Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Silkworm Moth, Emerald Moth, Io Moth

Every June, I hope to see a beautiful big green luna moth but this year I haven't seen one.  Nevertheless,  there are other interesting moths around.  This silkworm moth (antheraea polyphenus) is very handsome and also unusual as it holds its wings up like a butterfly.  The fat body, furry feet and feathery antenna are sure signs that it is a moth.
This  little emerald moth is called a Bad Wing moth.  What a terrible name for such a pretty moth! Apparently the name comes from the fact that its hind wings were hard to pin in a collection. Their caterpillars like to eat Virginia creeper and grapes so no surprise that it's on our property.  I have Virginia creeper creeping all kinds of places I wish it wouldn't creep to, and we do have some wild grapes.

 This is an Io moth.  The only plant that it would eat on our property would be blackberry plants. I find it a very attractive looking moth with its subtle colour and markings.

I was recently in a suburban backyard where we sat out in the evening.  Not a single mosquito but then again no other interesting insects either. I'll take some mosquito bites if it means I also have lovely moths and butterflies.

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