Sunday, January 2, 2022

Bougainvillea, Poinsettia, Celery

 Happy New Year!

After the next few months, I think we will be in a much better place.

The bougainvillea has bloomed almost two months earlier than last year.  I have no idea why but it has been nice to have its pretty pink blooms at the darkest time of the year.

After a regime of 14 hrs of darkness, 10 hours daylight for 8 weeks, the poinsettia did set red bracts. It will be a few weeks yet before the poinsettia flowers (small little yellow flowers)  mature so the red bracts will be around for quite a while.  Next year, I will start the regime earlier, in late September, so that the red bracts will  have more time to grow before Christmas.

I ended up potting up a few celery plants from the garden. It's been enjoyable to have some fresh crunch for my tuna sandwiches and the celery leaves and stalks are a welcome addition to soup.  As they are biennial and will go to seed next June, I will be starting new plants from seed in February.

I have spent some pleasant time scouring seed catalogues and planning next summer's garden.  Hope you have as well.

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