Friday, April 9, 2021

Two Bunny Walk

I have been seeing these bunnies on my morning walks but lately I have not been taking my camera with me.  I decided I better take it this morning.  This bunny, who lives on one side of the road, has a perfect habitat with about 15' of mowed grass on the verge of the road and a dense cedar bush beyond where it can easily hide.  They are Eastern Cottontails, the common rabbit of our area.
This rabbit lives not far along from the first one but on the other side of the road.  A few cedars line the road but then the land opens out into a scruffy field with enough bushes to hide in. This pair seems to me to have more white on their front than some others I have seen over the years.  Perhaps they are related.

This pic is magnified to a point that it is blurry but I wanted to show off the rabbit's really big front feet.  The ears are lovely, not only big, but they have quite a curve to them. A couple of tuffs of winter fur are coming out.  They are not white in the winter but a lighter shade of the grey/brown.  Even with good habitat, the rabbits don't over multiply as they have many natural predators .

They both stayed still for quite a while even though they had seen me and only ran off when I tried to get closer. 

The flycatchers arrived a couple of days ago and are already refurbishing the nest on the porch windowsill. It's like they have opened up the cottage for the season.  So nice to see them again.


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