Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Jewelweed, Physostegia and Fungi


I was going to have the jewelweed photos at the top but I was having trouble rearranging the photos which for some reason went up in a backwards order.  Anyway, here are the fungi growing on some poplar logs.

We were without the internet for four days as our modem died. The thing I missed the most was the Weather Network and being able to check the radar map!  The news was same old, same old.

Some physostegia. They are a very pale pink which I find rather disappointing but the bees like them anyway.

They have taken over an area that used to have pale purple asters.  I guess that area is destined to be pale. I'm surprised the wild asters didn't put up more of a fight. There are a few plants left but a fraction compared with last year.

This area    also used to be full of asters and now it is primarily jewelweed and goldenrod. Never know what a year will bring.

The jewelweed (impatiens capensis) is quite pretty and the bees also like it.

Interesting shape - almost looks like it has a gill slit.

Lots of lovely spots and streaks. It is native to our area and pops up all over my gardens.. It is an annual and very easy to pull out. I don't really mind it. I have dealt with poison ivy, thistle, stinging nettles in my yard so pretty jewelweed is fine.

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