I have a few different echinacea varieties in the garden and I have tried other ones that have not survived the winter. This one is, I think, Hot Papaya. It opens very orangey and changes over a few weeks until it is quite a dark rusty red. I find the plant is rather weak and needs more watering to get it growing.
This pink pompom variety makes lots of flowers but the stems are very floppy so that's disappointing.
A regular pink variety. Very robust with lots of flowers and strong stems.
This is Green Twister. I started it last year from seed and I'm quite happy with it. It's fairly tall and has very strong stems. I will probably only get 2 flowers per stem this year but I am optimistic that next year it will bush out. I have four planted near each other so I hope to have a nice patch next year.
I have another green variety, Green Jewel, but it hasn't bloomed yet. I find the plant small and slow but when it finally blooms the flowers last a long time. Only a couple of flowers per plant and not a very tall plant so a bit disappointing on that front, but the flowers are very well formed.
This is not echinacea, it is rudbeckia but it blooms at the same time and works really well with echinacea. It can be a bit of a bully in good soil but if it's planted with other strong plants it is a great addition to the garden. Super dependable and tons of flowers until frost.
The balloon flower with more flowers open.
Supermoon lily. I really like the pale yellow colour with rusty spots. It has a knock-out fragrance that you can smell from 10' away if there is a light breeze.