Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Story - "Her True Self" and Tree Peony, Purple Allium and Alpine Aster

 A Story

Her True Self

When she was a little girl, her grandma called her a sweet angel.

When she was in school, her teacher called her a brilliant student.

When she went to university, her peers called her a trailblazer.

When she got married, her husband called her his soulmate.

When her world fell apart, she had no idea who she was.  Friends and family tried to find the right words to stop her floundering, but their words evaporated like the mist.

All alone she reached out to God and finally she found out who she was.  His beloved child.

My tree peony bloomed nicely this year.  Although the plant is reliably hardy in my zone 4 garden, some years the buds don't make it through the winter. 

The flowers are quite fragile and if the days are hot or windy they will only last a couple of days. This year the weather was cooler and they lasted about 5 days.  Yesterday we got rain and today all the petals have fallen off.  I enjoy the lovely flowers while they last.

The purple allium is super dependable.  I like the way these plants are shimmering in the shady location. The wind was blowing the tree branches and the light kept changing making the purple flowers sparkle in the breeze.
I bought 3 alpine asters the other day.  I really like the periwinkle petals with the strong yellow centres.  They should be hardy in my zone but they need well-drained soil. I hope the location I picked will do. They will bloom for several weeks into mid summer. 

The bees and other pollinators like all of the above plants.

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