Friday, January 13, 2023

Bringing Kalanchoe into Bloom

 Last spring I took a cutting from a kalanchoe that had bloomed last winter.  I triggered the blooming last year by covering the kalanchoe with a dark plastic bag for 14 hours to simulate short days.  This fall, I left this small plant on the windowsill and closed the window drape at sunset which meant the plant was sandwiched between the window and the drape. This gave it the darkness it needed.  I didn't know if it would mind the chilly temperatures on the windowsill, as it was often below freezing outside at night, but the kalanchoe didn't mind it at all and set buds around the beginning of December.  Kalanchoe grow very slowly so it is only now in full bloom.  The upside of that snail pace growth is that the flowers last for weeks.

I give it a weak solution of fertilizer every month when it's blooming and I keep the soil on the dry side.  It is in a small pot.