Thursday, July 21, 2022

Living Trellis, Luna Moth, Sprouting Strawberry

I planted some Jackmanii clematis at the base of a lilac bush and this summer it is happily clambering up the lilac.  I also planted some purple pole beans to climb up the lilac.  They won't be blooming for a few weeks yet but will also provide a little colour in an otherwise green area.

I was so happy to see another Luna moth.  I think this is 4 years in a row now.  This one is a male as it has rather short feathery antenna.  Such a beautiful moth - about 3 -4 " across.

This strawberry sprouted! I'd never seen that happen before but the internet has lots of pictures of sprouted strawberries.  What surprised me the most is that the berry was not over ripe or damp.  You can plant the little plantlets if you have the patience to wait until they grow into a full size plant.

Getting lots of produce from the vegetable garden: lettuce, cucumbers, beans, zucchini, broccoli, celery, potatoes, green peppers, Swiss chard, cabbage, carrots and beets.  Very pleased with my experiment of planting in an area with only 4 hours of midday sun.  Lots of tomatoes are setting fruit, although the plants are getting pretty tall, as well as sweet peppers and zucchini.  I likely won't get nearly as many tomatoes as I would in a sunnier location but I am short on sunny spots so this is very encouraging, and I will still get plenty of tomatoes.  I planted several potato plants in the same area so I will see how that works.

Happy gardening.

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