It's always fun to go to the garden center and buy some plants and put them together in a pot. I got a little carried away with this pot and it is crammed full of plants. It will definitely need regular fertilizing.
This one looks scraggy right now. There is a geranium that I overwintered in the middle of the pot so I am hoping the geranium will grow some new leaves and bloom in a little while.
This is my pot of leftovers. It should fill in nicely later in the summer. The hummingbirds will be attracted to the fuchsia and red verbena and purple salvia.
The wild jack-in-the-pulpits are in bloom. As our bush opens up as the trees get bigger and further apart, we have more of the woodland wildflowers.
Blue camassia is a wildflower in some areas but not around here. Years ago I had planted some down near our ditch and they happily grew there for several years and then, I suppose some little creature ate the bulbs, because they disappeared. But a bird must have deposited a seed up nearer to the house and now it is growing on the edge of a garden. Perfect place for it.