Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Rainbow Carrots
We are having frosty weather so I decided to pull carrots from a pot outside. These are a variety called Rainbow Carrots which I bought from Halifax Seeds. I would imagine other companies carry this kind of assortment as well. The white carrot at the top is 8" long to the kink in the root so it is a good size, and the yellow one is a substantial size, too. I don't know why there is such variation in growth pattern as they were all in the same pot. In other locations, I found the red carrots grew better than even the orange carrots. Gardening- full of mysteries. I find the flavour of the red, orange and yellow carrots pretty similar, but the white carrots have a hint of parsnip taste. I like having the different colours as they brighten up any dish you add them to.
There was a fad for growing black carrots here a few year ago, they were supposed to be very good for you, I believe. I grew some purple ones once but they didn't do well and I don't think they tasted as nice as the good old orange ones.