The flowers obviously did not get the memo which is nice because flowers 2m apart would be a little disconcerting. I think these are Darwin tulips. I find the tall late varieties and the short early ones are the best for coming back over a few years. The medium sized ones don't do well for me in that regard.
The forget-me-nots make lovely clumps in random spots around the yard. I like the way some of the plants are blue, some pink, and some white. Seeds from a white one won't necessarily make a new white plant. Don't know what accounts for the colour variations.
This dandelion just looked so lush and bright I thought it should get a spot in the limelight. It has 12 flowers ( 2 past their prime).
I have several bleeding hearts around the gardens but this one is just busting at the seams with flowers. A friend gave me a bleeding heart plant over 15 years ago and I have divided it multiple times. This is one of the divides.
These violets are special because they came from my grandmother who also loved to garden. She particularly liked roses and used to keep cut ones in her fridge to give to visiting friends and family. She was a no-nonsense lady and when she got too old to garden herself, she spent many happy hours bossing around some poor high school student who ventured to make a couple of bucks weeding and watering.
Very pleasant to be able to enjoy your flowers. I think the tulips are OK to be so close as they are all in the same family.