These two are not your run-of-the-mills horses. Their markings are far from conventional. But they don't give a hoot; they just enjoy each other's company.
I was thinking today about the flow of life, and how one year builds on the other until we get to be old and then, looking back, we see more of the pattern of our life.
When I was born, my dad had just finished reconstructing a log house. That was unusual.
When I started school, I went to a French Catholic school. I was the only English Protestant kid in my class. That was unusual.
When I was 4, I decided to play the violin. No other kids in my school played the violin, let alone classical violin. That was unusual.
I grew up in ski country, but I decided that any money available for sports would go for horseback riding. That was unusual.
When my husband and I decided we needed a house, we built it, as in cut the boards and nailed them together. No mortgage. That was unusual.
I stayed at home while my kids were growing up and helped care for my elderly widowed mother-in-law . That was unusual.
In my twenties, I became a Christian. That was unusual.
So how did this unusual stuff influence my life?
To begin with, my dad introduced me to some interesting people, and he showed me to think outside the box.
Spending time in French school, made me feel at home with another culture, and I think has helped me to have an open mind about people in general.
Studying classical music gave me an appreciation for all kinds of music as it trained my ear.
Working with horses, helped me tame my fears, and being closely involved with horses has given me a greater appreciation for all of nature. Horsey people tend to be a pragmatic bunch, and they taught me to not make mountains out of molehills.
Building a house was an adventure, and being debt-free was truly a blessing through all the years.
I've made lots of space in my life for family. I have been able to get to know my special people more deeply than I would have if I had been more preoccupied with other endeavours.
Becoming a Christian taught me truths I never would have learned otherwise. And I have gotten to share this adventure with some amazing people.
My life has been unusual , although not in any dramatic ways. But I am thankful that I learned that it's OK to do things differently from the cultural norm, because sometimes those quirky paths lead to some really special people and experiences.
Nothing wrong with being unusual.
ReplyDeleteHorses like that used to be known as "painted horses" by country people and were always preferred above all others by travellers and gypsies. The reason was that they could remember and recognise each individual beast by its markings. In the days before licences and paperwork this prevented them buying an animal which had a history of infirmity or was difficult to handle.
Being unusual is a very good thing, I think. It's great that you feel comfortable being who you are!