All the sun we've had this summer has produced excellent fruit. The peaches, in particular, have been just wonderful. Often at the end of the season, the peaches start to get mealy, but this year they are still sweet and firm. I've been eating peaches daily for several weeks now and still enjoying every one. The cherries have also been great quality, and the everbearing strawberries are juicy and sweet. In fact, there is so much yummy fruit that it's hard not to overbuy and have some go to waste.
I heard that the farmers out West are going to try to send some hay east. The weather was good on the Prairies this summer and the yields will be perhaps a bumper crop. Remember when we sent hay out West several years ago when we had good weather and they had a drought? I like the way farmers organize and get things done without need of government programs.
Last long weekend of the summer and it's shaping up to be another super weekend. Three of our kids will touch base here before embarking on their fall schedules - well, our son who drives truck will still spend his off days here. I feel sufficiently full of sun and warmth that I'm actually looking forward to the fall and winter. Time to bake some apple pies, and get out the knitting needles.
I'm sorry to see the end of the peaches. I have been really enjoying them! But apples are yummy too